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Re: MIOpen package LFS files

On 2024-05-10 04:43, Xuanteng Huang wrote:
> I’ve uploaded the “pure” version of MIOpen without *.bz2 and *.kdb files to a new repo [20].

Thanks, Xuanteng.

> The source tarball is imported by gbp with —-filter=“*.bz2” —-filter=“*.kdb” options, and listing in Files-Excluded in d/copyright as well.

Tip: if you use gbp import-orig --uscan, uscan will automatically repack
the tarball whilst filtering Files-Excluded.

>> Agreed. I think my only remaining question is whether those big assembly files are ok. They contain macros, so they're clearly not plain disassemblies, and I think their size might be exaggerated by loop unrolling. Still... I can't imagine that they were hand-written, so I think we need to know more about them.
> One question for DFSG: can we regard the assembly code as a form of “source code”, even if they are generated from the unknown artifact (e.g., some compiled binary objects)?
> Theoretically, the assembly is fully explainable as the AMD GPU ISA manual is public [21].

Unfortunately, no. The source in question must be the "preferred form
for making modifications", so unless upstream indeed wrote these by
hand, they would not be compliant.

(There are corner cases, eg: when the original form no longer exists.)

>> We need to ask upstream. We should find out how they were created and how they are updated (e.g., if bugs are discovered). I would suggest opening an issue to ask the question on the upstream GitHub repository.
> Issue submitted [22].

Fantastic, thanks!


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