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Re: 5.7 Release Plan / Timeline?

On 12/13/23 02:40, Cordell Bloor wrote:

To complete (b), the main thing needed is to get a few more libraries packaged. I would be surprised if PyTorch was adopting ROCm features so quickly that the mathlibs from ROCm 5.5 were insufficient for the current PyTorch. With that said, I haven't actually tried building it, so i don't know for certain.

The latest ROCm version of official binary release is built against ROCm 5.6.


And the past releases of pytorch can build against rocm starting from ROCm 4.X.


So 5.7 is fine. And it seems to be the last 5.X release before the 6.X release. So I guess 5.7 is a good point to synchronize debian package versions before going forward to 6.X.

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