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Re: Requesting maintainer permissions

Hi Cory,

On 2023-04-30 06:53, Cordell Bloor wrote:
> It seems I am now a Debian Maintainer. The packages that I'm most
> capable of maintaining are probably the ROCm math, communication and
> utility libraries. At the moment, those packages are rocrand, rocsparse,
> hipsparse, rocprim, and hipcub.

just for the record: I've checked and done uploads for all of the above
except for hipsparse, and the quality of the packaging was outstanding.

I don't see any reason why upload rights for these packages should be
delayed any longer, so I went ahead and granted upload permissions for
rocrand, rocsparse, rocprim and hipcub, and will add hipsparse as soon
as I've had a chance to check it.

We're collaborating on these packages, and hence continuously reviewing
each other's work, anyway.


PS: I *hope* this worked. Your key isn't in the official debian-keyring
package yet and I'm not sure which parts of the infra depend on that,
but [1] suggests that this isn't an issue. Your key is queued for the
next upload.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer#Granting_Permissions

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