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SPARK package for Debian


I'm trying to make SPARK package for Debian, not yet successful, but I
think this could be done.

I'm currently trying to compile version 2010-SMT of gnat-gpl (is SMT
part of the version or something else). Current status is:

sparklalr - compiles ok
examiner - a lot of warnings about invalid unchecked_conversion in
          dictionary-rawdict.adb, example:
dictionary-rawdict.adb:4751:07: warning: types for unchecked conversion have different sizes
dictionary-rawdict.adb:4751:07: warning: size of "Globalvariableref" is 64, size of "Reftype" is 32

         I think this only happens on 64-bit architectures and is a real
	 bug there. Here Reftype is defined in examinerconstants.ads as

	   type RefType is range 0 .. Natural'Last;
	   --# assert RefType'Base is Integer;

	 Globalvariableref in the error message is an access type, so it
	 will not fit into RefType. So reftype should be something like
	 Integer_Address, but then what to do with the range and with

	 Another problem is compiller error (probably fixed in
	 gcc-snapshot, but there are other problems with it, see bug

gcc-4.4 -c -g -gnatwae -gnat05 -gnatwl -gnaty3abefhiklnprt -I../lib/spark/current -I../common/versioning -gnatf -O1 -fstack-check sem.adb

raised STORAGE_ERROR : stack overflow (or erroneous memory access)

simplifier & checker - those two parts are written in prolog. I was able
         to compile them using swi-prolog with some changes. But to be
	 sure that everything works some testing is needed.

wraputility - ok
pogs - ok
sparkformat - the same problem in dictionary-rawdict.adb as with
sparkmake - ok
sparksimp - ok
viktor - ok
victor_wrapper - ok

So the largest problem for now is definition of RefType. And I'm not
sure at all what to do with it. Also I have no idea how binary
distribution for x86_64 was compiled. Maybe it was compiled with older
compuler that does not emit that warning and binary distribution is
broken? This is from gdb:

   (gdb) print examinerconstants.RefType(0xffffffff)
   $5 = -1

Any ideas?

Eugeniy Meshcheryakov

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