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Re: Installing Open Media Vault

Also, I saved some boot info that states to press a enter, then S enter if it beeps once for BIOS and not press enter if it beeps twice, indicating it is using UEFI boot.
Mine beeped once, which means the VM is using a BIOS type startup.
But still I haven't gotten any speech.
----- Original Message -----
From: K0LNY
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 4:29 PM
Subject: Installing Open Media Vault

Hi All,
I'm trying to install Open Media Vault in a VM in windows.
OMV uses Debian, 10 I'm guessing, it doesn't say on the page which Debian it is.   
But when I launch the ISO in VmWare, I get the computer beep, and the soundcard is checked in the attached devices, so I know the VM has access to audio, but I have tried pressing S and I have tried arrowing down 4 times and hitting enter to get a speech install, but no speech.
Is it possible that OMV has no accessibility in it?
Or is there something else in the Debian installer that brings up TTS?

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