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Re: OT, Re: Which softwares to install ?


David Hoff Jr, le mar. 19 juil. 2022 10:39:02 -0700, a ecrit:
> I want to use Debian 11 and Voxin on a older
> netbook which is 32 bit. I would be satisfied with a console only
> installation . Where is there more information on the GTK accessible
> greeter and does it work with Voxin in the console?

The GTK accessible greeter is only for the graphical session. For the
console you do not need it.

AIUI there are two ways to use voxin:

- either use speakup, and voxinup that connects speakup to voxin.
  documents how to install voxinup. You can contact gcasse@oralux.org
  for more information.

- or use speakup, speechd-up, speech-dispatcher, and the
  speech-dispatcher-voxin package to connect it to voxin.
  This will require running pulseaudio as root, which is documented on


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