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Re: Linux 9 stretch What to do about reviving speakup? It Works!

Samuel Thibault, le mar. 02 avril 2019 08:44:45 +0200, a ecrit:
> Martin McCormick, le lun. 01 avril 2019 21:56:18 -0500, a ecrit:
> > 	If you rebooted the system right then, it would come up
> > silent.
> That's not expected.
> It seems that something has changed in systemd which broke the start.
> Could you try to change in /lib/systemd/system/espeakup.service the line
> WantedBy=sound.target
> into
> WantedBy=multi-user.target

Mmm, actually no the former should be alright: it means start espeakup
as soon a sound board was detected by the kernel.

You could check at a fresh reboot with

  systemctl status sound.target

  systemctl status espeakup.service

how the two look like.


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