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Re: "[window title] inaccessible": where does it come from, and what does it mean?

Having given it some more thought, I just ripped out the code that says
"inaccessible." If there are Marco issues (or issues in your app), let's
fix them properly. In the meantime, Orca master won't say that any more.


On 06/29/2015 01:00 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
> That's logic in Orca. The Marco "support" in Orca is simply mapping
> things over from the old GNOME 2.x days with Metacity. And there is a
> sad hack or three in Orca due to issues in Metacity. Therefore, if you
> could file a bug against Orca and attach a full debug.out, I'll look
> into it. Thanks!
> --joanie
> On 06/29/2015 12:49 PM, Luca Saiu wrote:
>> Hello.
>> As you may know from my interaction [1] with Alejandro Piñeiro, who has
>> given me some useful suggestions, I'm trying to develop a very simple
>> accessible application using ATK but without GTK+ or any other toolkit.
>> My current standalone program uses SDL to draw a window and manage a few
>> events; later I'll have to graft the thing into a Compiz plugin, but the
>> core of the problem doesn't change.
>> I've made some progress, mostly thanks to Alejandro.  In particular now
>> I have a widget tree for my application showing up in Accerciser which
>> looks like it's supposed to, but when I switch to my application's
>> window with a window manager (say Marco) the screen reader vocalizes the
>> window title followed by "inaccessible", and the application state is
>> not vocalized and doesn't show up in Braille -- I'm using the X11 driver
>> of brltty, which works correctly with other applications implementing
>> AtkText.
>> My program has a root ATK object, implementing some interface; as far as
>> I can see it looks reasonable, and similar to a sample GTK+ application
>> I wrote to compare.  Where does this "inaccessible" come from, exactly?
>> The string doesn't appear in the Marco source code.  Which criterion
>> should I satisfy, exactly, for the screen reader not to give up?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> [1] http://osdir.com/ml/debian-accessibility/2015-06/msg00033.html

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