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Re: GNOME 3.2 / pyatspi / at-spi2-core

Hi again,

> The existing at-spi 2.0 packages need to be updated to version 2.2.3.
> The following is the link to the announcement.
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-announce-list/2011-November/msg00019.html

Please explain to me to enable me to understand fine: at-spi 2.0, on Debian, is only in experimental isn't it? If yes, I can try to update (probably before end 2011).

> > All I know now is that if Mario didn't push to sid, it's because it
> > didn't consider that the atspi2 packages work enough. Is there some
> > update which fix the problems? No idea.
> > 
> Yes, the 2.0 release wasn't much use.  The 2.2 release should do better.


> > What do you think of all that? If my help is needed, I can give it. If
> > no... wait and see
> > 
> I think Debian needs packages for at-spi 2.2 and orca 3.2.2.
> Those are the latest upstream releases for gnome 3.2.

Yes, but given my power in Debian and my technical capability, I propose to do any tests on a sid environment with such packages (orca, at-spi, etc.) from experimental repo. Would it be enough? I ask not to work uselessly.

> The sooner packages exist in Debian, the sooner the issues can be documented for Wheezy.

I agree, but the situation is now complex, so we have to try something waiting for the maintainer, which is the only people who has the technical skill and responsibility to push to sid. I'm not sure my initiative is good, so I stay careful. Sorry Mario if I did so much.


>       Kenny
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

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