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Re: midnight commander


> Hi,
> However the described problem can only happen if your screenreader
> doesn't track attribute currsors.
What about brltty? I don't remember that it includes an attribute cursor. In mc, for any movement, the braille window comes back on the commandline where there's the cursor, except if it doesn't track it anymore, but then I don't know anyway where's the "attribute cursor". With the patch, the cursor moves the braille window in pannels and we know always where we are (selected file...). So I don't really understand.

> This should be fixed in the Screenreaders not in in mc.
> The sbl screenreader (which isn't in Debian) can handle attribute
> cursors and works in the menus and filebrowserwindow of mc very well.
> Just my two cents.
What's a screen reader? The braille display? braille display driver? the package brltty? Do you mean it would be a Eurobraille "driver" problem?
Yannick had patched so I thought it was the solution, but didn't know there was attribute cursor and especially I didn't know that brltty could deal with them.

Thanks for further explanations,


> Halim
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

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