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Re: Lost /etc/brlapi.key


Samuel Thibault <sthibault@debian.org> wrote on Sa, Sep 11, 2010 at 11:36:26 +0200:
>Check out
Should have been my second look. Sorry. I built BRLTTY with the prefix
/usr/local. In order to run it, I put a symlink into /sbin pointing to
/usr/local/bin/brltty. A short while ago I removed this symlink and now Orca
does search for the brlapi.key in /usr/local/etc. From where does Orca know
that? That seems odd to me, I never told it to look there; I thought it would
always look in /etc. I attach the look. If this is too Orca-specific, I'll ask
in the Orca-list.

Ah, I forgot to mention: Reinstalling libbrlapi0.5 and python-brlapi doesn't
help either.

===debug log===
Trying to use speech server factory: orca.gnomespeechfactory
Using speech server factory: orca.gnomespeechfactory
Speech module has been initialized.
Could not initialize BrlTTY:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/orca/braille.py", line 1760, in init
    _brlAPI = brlapi.Connection()
  File "brlapi.pyx", line 288, in brlapi.Connection.__init__
ConnectionError: couldn't connect to with key /usr/local/etc/brlapi.key: Authentication failed

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~~~ -> delirant isti Romani

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