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Re: [Debconf-video] Having x265 videos for debconf 2016.

On Sun, May 08, 2016 at 08:19:03PM +0000, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> quality of the videos is similar to h.265 why couldn't we have a
> folder/directory called as vp9 and let it be offered to people who
> want have/enjoy the videos at low bit-rates. This will be useful to
> people who don't have access to good bandwidth and still be able to
> enjoy the videos in reasonable time.

We can certainly consider that. We do have other priorities this time
around though, so it may not happen. At any rate, I do consider it a
long-term goal to improve upon video codecs, so if we do not do so this
year, then maybe next.

< ron> I mean, the main *practical* problem with C++, is there's like a dozen
       people in the world who think they really understand all of its rules,
       and pretty much all of them are just lying to themselves too.
 -- #debian-devel, OFTC, 2016-02-12

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