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[Debconf-team] Summary of Debconf 16 Travel, Accomodation, and Food Bursaries

I'd like to declare the Debconf 16 Bursaries process closed. With about
10 days until debcamp, and about 2.5 weeks until debconf, we've
reallocated all of the the cancellations that we reasonable can. The
total expenditures in South African Rand [1] are as follows. I think we
can be happy as an organization about the number of people whose travel
we managed to sponsor. That's thanks to the hard work of the team and in
particular to Mehdi in being proactive about getting us a budget
extension that ended yielding a net increase of 14 people sponsored for

           	Travel	Camp	Conf	Total
     people	57	54	103	103
acc. nights		303	840	1143
food days		297	823	1120
amount (ZAR)	893121	180000	498900	1572021

This discussion is about the "main" bursaries process; a substantial
number of people were also sponsored via diversity funding (driven by
Molly) and internship funding (driven by olasd).

[1]: divide about 17.2 for Euros, 15.2 for USD
[2]: kare, Sledge, h01ger, tvaz, gregoa, myself, madduck, and larjona.

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