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Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf17 bids - DebConf Committee ⇒ 2016.02.17 18:30

Hi all,

Le mercredi, 10 février 2016, 13.42:35 Gunnar Wolf a écrit :
> Holger Levsen dijo [Wed, Feb 03, 2016 at 10:01:47AM +0100]:
> > So far, February 17th looks like a date I would pick.
> The meeting shall take plae on Wednesday 17, 18:30.
> People from both bidding teams, *please confirm* you can attend at
> that time. If you cannot, please state if you can attend 1hr later
> (19:30). If that's not doable, come up with a second-best proposal
> based on the Dudle.

I hereby confirm I'm fine with Wed 17. 18:30 or 19:30 UTC.

Just to confirm, Gunnar, you intend this meeting to be the _decision_ 
meeting, right?


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