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Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-sponsors-team] Website: static page or redirect to wiki? - NB for fundraising


El 04/10/15 a las 10:15, Brian Gupta escribió:
> Check with Wendar. She worked on the DC14 site. Perhaps she has time? If
> not, you need to find a volunteer and make sure they have access to the
> relevant repo.
TL;DR: count with me, but we still need somebody else.

The good news

* I can push commits to scm.alioth.debian.org//git/debconf-data/dc16.git
* I can put time tonight (Europe's night) and this week's nights on this
* I can copy the website from any former debconf and work on the
xhtml/wml/html files, using the wiki as source of information. No CSS
skills. Somebody should say which debconf website to copy

The bad news

* I cannot make design decisions, and I'm really bad at aesthetics
* No idea about how to "build" sites, nor how to make
debconf16.debconf.org point to
* I'm not native English speaker so somebody should review my writings.
* I cannot make plans now about my further involvement in the website
(my timetable from November on is undefined yet).

Laura Arjona

> -Brian
> On Oct 4, 2015 4:09 AM, "Bernelle Verster" <bernellev@gmail.com
> <mailto:bernellev@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi all
>     We're gearing up for fundraising, and we need something at the
>     http://debconf16.debconf.org destination.
>     I think we have two options:
>     1. Create a static page with the logo, consistent with the front page
>     of the brochure, with the date, an "interested in sponsoring? Contact
>     us at sponsors@debconf.org <mailto:sponsors@debconf.org>" line and
>     maybe the link to the wiki [1]
>     2. Make the http://debconf16.debconf.org redirect to the wiki [1] for
>     now. (and update the important info on the wiki with the sponsor
>     details too)
>     Thoughts? Who do I poke to make this happen, ASAP?
>     regards
>     B
>     [1] - https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16
>     _______________________________________________
>     Debconf-sponsors-team mailing list
>     Debconf-sponsors-team@lists.debconf.org
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>     http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf-sponsors-team
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> Debconf-team mailing list
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Laura Arjona Reina

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