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Re: [Debconf-team] Draft schedule format

Dear Santiago,

thanks for putting a draft schedule into Git. As agreed on IRC, here
is some feedback, both to your mail, as well as to the draft in the
contact of our meeting of last week.

> AFAIK, lunch and dinner would overlap 30 minutes each with
> talks/events,

This seems okay because not everyone will be in talks and smart
people will use this time to get ahead of the queue before the talk
room empties and people pour into the cafeteria ;)

In fact, there is probably little reason for us not to schedule
ad-hoc sessions e.g. from 12–13 (during the first half of lunch), if
there's enough demand for slots.

> and the last 15 minutes of breakfast with the daily announcements.

I personally don't like this. Realistically, especially towards the
end of the week, people will go to breakfast later and later and
eventually, some will just dash in at the last second to grab
whatever they can get.

The daily announcements are an asset to the organisers, so we want
to ensure that as many people as possible attend. Whether or not
we'll have a raffle, breakfast having actually ended should help. Of
course there will still be people choosing to sit at breakfast after
it's ended, but that's fewer people than those dashing in at the
last second plus those choosing to stay longer ;)

> I don't know if this would be a real problem. Do you think 1h30
> dedicated for lunch would be enough? Maybe we should have
> a 2 hours break at noon?

Yeah, I agree. But in the end it's a question of how many slots we
want to have per day. The proposal I made over at
https://titanpad.com/dc15-schedule had 6 slots per day,
non-overlapping breakfast and 2 hours for lunch.

If you wanted to overlap with dinner, you could add a 7th slot that

You could even overlap the first half of lunch with a slot (see
above) for an 8th slot.

And we can always consider evening slots. And we can have BoFs and
ad-hoc sessions all night anyway. And…

> Am I missing something?

A few concrete bits of feedback:

  1. no need for "announcements and raffle" on the first day just
     before the opening session;

  2. the C&W party is indeed on Monday, I'd say. We have to have it
     either Sunday or Monday, and Sunday is Debian's Birthday and
     Open Weekend, and I don't think we should conflate those;

  3. also due to the birthday, I think it might make sense to
     consider the Job Fair to take place on Saturday, which I think
     will also be the better day for it. Why did you want to
     schedule it on Sunday?

  4. finally, the youth hostel has suggested to us that we could
     replace breakfast+lunch with brunch on selected days. We
     thought that maybe this would make sense on the last
     Friday+Saturday, as people will then be quite exhausted and
     might appreciate a bit of a sleep-in.

     Instead of talks and events on Saturday, it might even make
     sense to just have the closing ceremony and maybe an
     entertaining keynote in the afternoon, and maybe Friday could
     also be just a hack day, depending on how many slots we want to

These are obviously just thoughts and suggestions and the content
team has already been doing great work on this. As scheduling does
depend on the venue a bit, I really appreciate that you guys are
sharing your plans with us.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany: http://debconf15.debconf.org
      DebConf16: Cape Town: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16

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