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Re: [Debconf-team] And regarding the Penta replacement


On Dienstag, 14. August 2012, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> I have not yet done a even test install of it (I'm creating a VM for
> it right now). I expect to have it ready soon, and I'll start looking
> at what we have, what we need. I expect not to be the only one doing
> this. Holger has repeatedly said the Frab upstreams are willing to
> work together with us 

I've forwarded your mail to one of the frab developers.

> - As you know, I have no high hopes of remaining
> too close to the upstream code (we will fork even if we try not to),

I still think this hasn't has to be the case. (Because all usercases will be 
different somehow and noone wants to maintain forks.)

> but we can start working together and diverge once we really need
> (i.e. add the missing controllers first, but only later add the
> DebConf-specific bits). We shall see.


> Now, what do we need to get this working?
> - More people involved. I'm very bad at managing my time and have
>   several projects going on, so I know I will fail if I do this
>   myself.

I plan to be involved as the videoteam really either needs penta as we have it 
today, or a working replacement.

> - Resources? I can have this on a VM of my personal machine, but I'd
>   very much rather if we have a instance where more people can log in
>   and hack on it. A DebConf machine? A Debian machine? Would be
>   good. But *please* not a painfully underpowered instance as Cletus
>   (the test instance for Penta), it only makes stuff harder.

ouch. I'm not sure what to do about this right now. 

> And... Well, we shall later see what else. My proposed roadplan would
> be to set up a system with no data migration from Penta (to start
> fresh), have everything ready for other DebConfers to register and
> point out the bits that need work.

sounds good to me.

> Maybe that would need a RT queue to
> keep track of?

likewise. We might even have one.


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