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Re: [Debconf-team] IRC DebConf meeting minutes

> This has now happenned, many thanks to all attendees and participants for this 
> meeting; we almost managed to hold to our tight (90 minutes) maximum time and 
> we got constructive discussion.
> The minutes are available there:
> http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2012/debconf-team.2012-08-13-17.55.html

...And I'm sorry, the network kicked me out. And when network was
working again, I had surrendered and went off for lunch :( So, a
couple of comments on the meeting. I hope the format for my comments
is decently followable:

18:48:50 <moray> zobel: getting people to pay the Swiss price for dorm
 	 	 rooms is going to be tricky

Well, we have requested people to pay professional/corporate to
support Debian/DebConf, and very explicitly *NOT* to expect better

18:49:22 <h01ger> OdyX, less people probably means less sponsors as
	 less people will be looking.. 

I disagree with this. People look at DebConf from far away. People
look at Debian. And DebConf is a mean towards Debian.

18:49:50 <h01ger> (also a small elite-debconf is less sponsorship
	 worthy... what shall we do with sponsors which expect accom?
	 flatly turn down?

And anyway, 325 people would be a big DebConf.

18:56:41 <Heiserhorn_> zobel: if we decide to have the tent and than
         is empty we are going to pay a lot for nothin

But maybe in tomorrow's meeting we can ask them to quote for the tent
*and* agree to decide on whether we will use it by May/June 2013?

Thinking about food - For the first few days of DebCamp, I think it
would be acceptable to have no formally cooked food - and to be able
to prepare cold sandwiches by/for ourselves. It can be done outside
the kitchens. The first days it's fewer of us, and it's those of us
usually willing to spend some effort helping DebConf. Even if we don't
have access to the kitchens, we *could* have a three person crew with
three legally acquired knives slicing bread, cheese and vegetables.
For three days, that'd be completely acceptable in my book.

Finally, and taking this from a direct/private conversation with
Holger: We have been bitching too much about the venue, talking about
a possible change, talking about misunderstandings, etc. And yes, we
wanted to have this magical natural family-friendly setting in Central
Europe where we could all join in and be happy. But we have made a
decision. SOME THINGS ARE JUST NOT POSSIBLE, and we must recognize no
venue is *perfect*. 

Quoting bits from the conversation: Yes, the 32-people-room *is* nuts
But then again, that is the best option we have. I trust them to have
looked into the options. 
...Maybe this is a self-regulating issue. Having this accomodation
will make the venue less interesting for some people, and we will have
250 people, and DebConf will be cheaper than planned. And we won't be
overcrowded. I don't feel happy saying this, but every venue has good
and bad points. My fondest memories of DebConf have been those where I
know most people, and 500 people is more than what I want.
Maybe this position Is not right. But I don't think we have an option
now. And I think the pressure we have been putting on the Swiss
recently is unfair as well. We have to focus on following what has
been decided - And GETTING MONEY

So... From my side: I am all for Le Camp, even with the restrictions
and shortcomings. It has a GREAT potential to be (as every year!) the
best DebConf ever. We have the great challenge to come up with the
needed money, and to work in a very different fashion to what we have
had ever before. But please, we are already on the boat. Lets continue
trusting the people we have already given our trust. DebConf13 will be
shaped different from some people's expectations - Yes. But it will be
also different from anything we have ever before had. There is lots of
work to be done to achieve it. So lets.

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