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Re: [Debconf-team] On site communication


On Montag, 2. Juli 2012, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Sorry for making meeting times out of my a**.

np - stuff happens, especially when we're all stressed because _the_ event of 
the year is about to break loose on us! ;-)

> Anyway, we do need to
> sit and talk. 

Oh yes.

> We should talk about talking to meet for the meeting
> today at the 16:00 meeting.

como? How about we meet and talk about meeting and talking at the meeting and 
then we talk about the meeting after we met and talked? ;-)))))

	Holger, who is currently undecided whether he wants to have another 
meeting before the 16oo one or whether he wants to get some work done instead 
and use the 1600 meeting for, well, talking and meeting...

That said, I think that talking about the way we talk+listen (+decide also) is 
very important. IMO (until we have done this) way more important then all 
urgent on+off-site business...

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