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[Debconf-team] Spare HP netbook from DebConf10 to give away at DebConf11

Hi there!

Micah told me that while cleaning DebConf10 stuff Daniel and he found an
HP netbook supposedly to be given away last year.  Now, the major
"problem" [1] is to find out how to do that.

[1] I would like all my problems to be like this one...

The easiest thing would be to organize the same sort of raffle as we had
at DebConf10: however, if I may, I would say that we should not give the
idea that there is a raffle with important prices every year.
Nevertheless, I should also say that I do not see any other easy way to
dispatch this donation.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

PS, I got involved with this simply by chance as part of the Events team
    and not because I want to be part of it, so take this email as an
    help rather than as a way to overcome the DebConf team.  FWIW, I
    will gladly leave any follow-ups to them when asked ;-)

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