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Re: [Debconf-team] Special sponsorship

Thanks for the statistics, Jimmy!

On 07/21/2011 12:46 AM, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> Percentage of herb-team members applying for sponsorship: 50%
> Percentage of herb-team members applying for sponsorship who got a perfect
> score: ~83%
> Average score for herb-team members who requested sponsorship: ~97

I infer from this that the one herb team member who failed to make a
reasonable justification for their large request (the same failure that
appears to have sunk Clint's application) ended up with a score of 82%.
 Did they also end up in queue C?

> For reference, although I'm haven't clicked through each person's record to
> confirm this, but I think all highly involved non-herb-team applicants other
> than Clint both made a justification for a reasonable request

The question asked in penta is "What are you doing for Debian? Why do
you request sponsorship?"

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but i just reviewed my own application.
It doesn't look like i provided any justification for my financial need.
 I don't think i understood that there were two parts to this question.

Here is my response in full:

>> I'm a debian developer, and active contributor to the project.  Aside
>> from regular packaging work, i'm trying to improve the toolchain and 
>> user experience for secured communication and data sovereignty in free 
>> software in general.  See my debcamp workplan for some of the avenues 
>> of expected work.

(the fact that i've been failing at getting any of my debcamp plan done
at all is another embarrassment for me, but probably not relevant to
this thread)

I am grateful for my presence in queue A, since it allowed me to get
funding for travel to the conference.  But i don't think i gave any more
financial justification for my need than Clint did.  So i appear to have
failed a basic input myself.

I do note that i'm more verbose than Clint (in everything, not just
penta).  If verbosity in application is a relevant criterion for getting
travel sponsorship, perhaps that should be made clear to future
applicants, so that the naturally terse among us aren't unduly penalized?


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