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Re: [Debconf-team] Sponsors on T-Shirt (layout)

Yes, I agree, we all want to have a decent quality of t-shirts, but as one of the guys from print shops today told me, for a decent quality, a decent price. :)

Anyway, Vedran and me went to visit a few more print shops today, and believe me it wasn't easy considering the weather right now in Banja Luka.

#First print-shop

They said the cost of one t-shirt is 8.00 (with both side print), but if we decide to take the printing there, they would've lower a little bit, but not too much. T-shirt quality is pretty good (160/m2). They said we should send them a design proposal so they can send us a final offer. I will do this, as soon as I finish writing this e-mail. We've also asked if they can be done in less then 10 days, he said they could, but we need to act fast, and order very quickly so *they* can order more t-shirts (they don't have 600 of them on stock, and they must be sewn). They said they can do the bags as well, but didn't tell us how much they would cost, but I guess they will tell me when I send them the design.

#Second print-shop

In this one, they don't have their own t-shirts, but if we have big amount in t-shirts (and in our case we do), they can arrange the t-shirts as well, in the quality we want. The guy from this store called me, and asked about the details.
Then he asked me when do we need t-shirts to be done, and when I said possibly Monday, beggining of the next week, he just laughed for a few seconds. :) Anyway, I'll send him a design as well, so he can send me an offer. 

#Third print-shop

They said they they can give us a price of 6.5 KM per t-shirts (with the print). And it's not the lowest quality, but not the best as well, I think it's pretty decent. I've grabbed a few photos from some t-shirts they've printed (in the attachement). About the  time of delivery, they said as well that we need to order fast if we want to have them fast. Vedran took the phone of the main person in charge there, so we need to send them an e-mail with the design as well. They showed as the bags in the catalog (they didn't have one with them), and it they look pretty ok, simple frabic bag. Vedran will contact them for prices of bags, as no-one there could exactly tell us how much they cost. 

I think we must decide realy quickly where we're gonna do this t-shirt printing, 'cause the time is running out.


2011/7/12 Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com>
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 12:07:07PM +0100, Philip Hands wrote:
>On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 08:44:06 +0200, Bojana Borkovic <lunacy.bl@gmail.com> wrote:
>Non-text part: multipart/mixed
>Non-text part: multipart/alternative
>> We've checked t-shirt printing in one more shop here and they said they can
>> finish printing in 10 days, the price is 6.5 KM per t-shirt
>That seems very cheap to me (assuming I have the exchange rate right) --
>if that's because we're getting lower quality T-shirts, I'd suggest
>paying for the best quality we can afford (within reason) -- it's a
>shame if the shirts fall to bits or become misshapen, attendees seem to
>like to wear them for a long time (I certainly do ;-), and that's our
>advertising to get people to turn up in future years, and for sponsors
>to see that their money was well spent.

Agreed. We'll be wearing these Ts for a long time, including at work
in the offices of the sponsors. :-)

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
"I've only once written 'SQL is my bitch' in a comment. But that code
 is in use on a military site..." -- Simon Booth

Bojana Borković aka Lunacy

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