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Re: [Debconf-team] Request for a debconf keynote

Dear Mark,

also sprach Mark Shuttleworth <mark@ubuntu.com> [2008.04.22.0821 +0200]:
>I haven't written the talk yet.

... but you surely know the gist of what you want to talk about.

> My request isn't driven by a specific set of ideas, but driven by
> my  sense that this sort of engagement would greatly help to
> improve the  relationship, which in turn would be very positive
> for Debian.

The reason I keep asking is because it's not the first time
I hear this. So far, Ubuntu as a whole hasn't really approached
Debian, despite meetings such as the one in Mexico, where a lot of
things were talked about but never implemented. There is good
cooperation between individual teams, but that's neither an
Ubuntu effort, nor a Debian one. It shows, however, that
collaboration is possible.

You are now asking us to make an exception for you — our deadline
for talk proposals has passed. If we can see the potential in what
you have in store, then, by all means, we'll make it happen anyway;
we are definitely interested in improving the relationship between
our projects.

To help us make the exception, please provide us with more
information. Please tell us what you plan to do and how this is
going to be "very positive for Debian" (and DebConf). Maybe you
could also mention why you want to talk about this at DebConf,
rather than on some mailing list (like DCT, utnubu), or with
individuals who have always been interested in the cooperation
between our projects.

I suggest you create an event in the pentabarf interface (now that
we created the keynote event type) and provide the information
there. I am not trying to impose extra work here, pentabarf is just
what our papers committee uses to make decisions.

If you don't want to make it all public yet, you're welcome to email
them to the papers committee <committee@debconf.org>, and please put
me on CC explicitly.

PS: I would (personally) also be interested in the relationship of
your proposal to http://vcs-pkg.org, but that's tangential.


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org>
: :'  :  DebConf orga team; press officer
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf8, 10-16 Aug 2008, Argentina: http://debconf.org
"the unexamined life is not worth living" 
                                                             -- platon

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