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[Debconf-team] My sponsorship is smaller

Hi there,

Please update the spreadsheet, as Comas is broken.
I managed to get my plane tickets for 576 EUR with KLM, that is $700.
I can afford to pay $100 by myself, but maybe a bit more in the future,
I will keep you updated. My original request was $900 with $0 I could
afford, or so Comas says. I vaguely remember this is not accurate.


 .''`.   I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think
: :' :   I have ended up where I needed to be   -- Douglas Adams
`. `'           Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux
  `-     www.amayita.com  www.malapecora.com  www.chicasduras.com

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