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Problems in the recent days with Comas (don't worry,not _that_ critical)


Three days ago, Stockholm told me about a problem for the academic
committee: They were unable to rate three of the proposals in the
system, the system just refused to do any changes. The error was (and
remains) quite esoteric: Comas was simply receiving two fields from
the browser, instead of the regular 10, on those three proposals. I
think there is something caused by the "abstract" field, but after
spending some hours on it, I was unable to get to a reproductible
point... I am baffled by it. I even created a new proposal, copying
exactly one of the three problematic ones, and it still presents the
problem. The problem is inside the mod_perl request parsing routines,
AFAICT, but I am not filing a bug about it as I am unable to reproduce
it on any other machines, and I do not want (and even if I wanted, I
am not root ;-) ) to mess with Wolf's machine. Anyway, were it to be a
bug in the mod_perl infrasturcture (the only possiblity I can see)
it'd be in the same versions that I have in my machine (which works
correctly with the exact same data)... Maybe another stray module? :-/

Well... Stockholm, Amaya and Jbailey: The problem is solved, although
the bug is not fixed. You will notice an ugly large form getting
GETted instead of POSTed. :-/

Anyway... This message is just a lonely cry. As I said to Stockholm, I
only found a work-around... The problem will bite us again, I fear. If
someone has a clue, I'll be very glad to hear (and I am Cc:ing the
Comas development list, in case someone there has an idea). 


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)1451-2244 / 5554-9450
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

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