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Re: Debconf20 will be in...

On 2019-03-20 12:42 -0300, Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana wrote:
> > 
> > But with 9 DDs in India and 500 or so in Europe the location is
> > important. DebConf is not only for outreach. It is primarily the Debian
> > Developers' conference. And yes, we definitely need more DDs from India.
> > And from everywhere else, too.
> If you use numbers of DDs, we will always have DC in Europe :-)

True, and there is clearly a balance to be struck between encouraging
debian in new areas and optimising travel for existing
developers. After 5 years when debconf could only be attended with
intercontinental travel by European developers, I'm very happy with a
presumption towards Europe next.

The state of the climate is such that it's increasingly difficult to
justify 2-4 tonnes of emissions just to visit debconf, so I've
missed/am missing the last 4. Israel is somewhat closer (0.9 tonne),
but cannot be reached in a low-carbon way from the UK SFAICT (no
trains, no ferries), never mind the fact that I'd be very
unconfortable visiting the place because of the oppression, so I guess
that'll make it 5, which is really quite a long time.

One thing we could do is take remote attendance more seriously so
there was less need to travel thousands of miles. Conferences need to
go this way, at least until fuel production is decarbonised, unless we
wish to just pretend there is no climate emergency. I'm very happy to
help the debconf organisers with that, as a regular remote conference
attendee user, and some experience of different tech.

We were well ahead of the trend in videoing all talks+questions
effectively. I think we should see what we can do to use technology to
make effective remote interaction work. Currently there is too much
lag on outgoing video (~30seconds?) and no incoming video/audio, so
it's pretty-much broadcast-only.

> My question is not about DC21 to go or not to go to Europe, but you say
> ***now***  that you would like to have it in Europe.
> Lets wait to see the bids first.

Of course, but a not-europe bid would need to be pretty compelling,
and/or we need to make the remote experience a great deal more useful.

I must admit, I would have been a _lot_ happier if we'd picked
Portugal for 2020, then India in 2021 would not be at all
contentious. Israel is a disappointing plan on more than one level.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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