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Re: [Debconf-discuss] Packaging tutorial - newcomers welcome! 14:00, Friday, Menzies 11

Hi! To reply in-line:

On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 7:43 PM, Bernelle Verster <bernellev@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 5:49 PM, Asheesh Laroia <paulproteus@debian.org> wrote:
> (ADVERTISEMENT: This message brought to you by the how-can-i-help package!
> Try it today to find out how YOU can help Debian!)
> This event is a self-driven packaging tutorial. Attendees of all backgrounds
> are welcome. You will work through Lucas Nussbaum's well-tested
> documentation and learn about:
> - How to compile a Debian source package into a Debian binary package
> - How to create new packages for Debian
> and more.
> Please attend if you are INTERESTED IN HANDS-ON LEARNING, and please attend
> if you are WILLING TO ANSWER QUESTIONS! All levels welcome. I hope
> Format: 2 hour BoF / self-driven tutorial
> Date: 14:00, Friday July 8
> Location: Menzies 11
> Details: https://debconf16.debconf.org/talks/83/

Epic! I've been meaning to get round to this for ye-e-a-a-ars.

Being easily intimidated, I would like to prepare beforehand, and
someone mentioned there was a online pdf tutorial or something. Turns
out, there's loads. (see below). Any suggestions on what's a good one
to start?

https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/packaging-tutorial/packaging-tutorial.en.pdf is the same material as we'll be going over during the tutorial, so it's a great start in my opinion. If you work through as much of it as you have time for, and ask questions about it at the event, I am sure that would work well.

Cheerio! See you on the Internet soon, and hopefully in-real-life next year!

-- Asheesh.

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