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[Debconf-discuss] Werewolf session Tuesday night, 21:00 o'clock


we are inviting one more time to the game of Werewolf, a variation
of the Mafia party game: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafia_(party_game)

We will play with up to 20 people on a first-come-first-play basis.

The game starts Tuesday night at 21:00, most likely in BoF room 1,
unless I post an update, so check your mail once or twice tomorrow.

Here's a general idea of what to expect:

1. The players cohabitate a village, when suddenly, one morning,
   they find one of their own killed by werewolves over night.

2. The villagers know that the werewolves live amongst them (they
   are villagers by day), but they do not know how many werewolves
   there are, or their identities. Only the werewolves know who they
   are working with, and they strive to hide this information until
   all the villagers have been killed (at which point the werewolves
   have won).

3. Through daytime, the villagers attempt to kill one of their own,
   in the hope to eliminate a werewolf. Their goal is to kill them
   all to win.

4. The villagers are helped by one (or two) see-ers and one (or two)
   healers (who are themselves villagers). The see-er has the
   ability to investigate one game participant per round to find out
   whether s/he is a werewolf or just a villager. The healer can
   make one player invincible to werewolf bites (but does not know
   who the werewolves attack).

5. Night chases day and the werewolves mercilessly try to eat the
   villagers, one after the other. Every morning, the remaining
   villagers get back together to kill yet another one within their
   ranks, who they think is a werewolf.

6. If you are into bluffing and mindfuck and think that you know
   your peers (haha!), then this is the game for you. Come by to
   find out what Cupid does to villagers and help us figure out the
   role of the Necromancer and his/her Zombie, the Dentist, the
   Teenage Werewolf, and the Infected Werewolf.

Tuesday 21:00 BoF room 1, 20 people first-come-first-play

(If more people show up, we'll just rotate after each round, or
split into multiple villages.)


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org>
: :'  :  ex-DebConf orga team; ex-press officer
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf13: Vaumarcus, Switzerland: http://debconf13.debconf.org

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