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[Debconf-discuss] Public apologies to Otavio about the Cheese & Wine party

I feel the need to send this in a public channel even though I already
did so in private in "real life".

Yesterday, and the days before, during the preparation of the
traditionnal Cheese and Wine party of DebConf, I completely omitted
checking a key requirement for such an event: accessibility, and
particularly wheelchair accessibility.

It happens that Havemeyer building entrance has a few steps and that a
fully accessible path to the 7th floor lounge where we planned to have
C&W was quite tricky to setup.

As a consequence, it happened that Otavio got stuck at the entrance of
the building with no way to enter it easily.

I would like to take full blame for this as the C&W party being often
considered as an event "of mine", I need to take the pride when it's
deserved....but also the blame when it is deserved too.

I know that my friend Otavio is not mad at me for this (he already
told me so), but I still want to really and sincerely send these
public regrets. I would also like to thank Michelle and all
organisation team members who were present at that moment, who did
their best, and even more, to find a solution to this.

I really would like all of us to at least "benefit" from this incident
and work as hard as we can to improve DebConf concerns wrt
accessibility, even better than we are already doing.

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