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[Debconf-discuss] noisy hacklab x quiet hacklab

Hey all, I've seen in past debconfs a kind of natural consensus having a noisy
hacklab and a quiet (actually a not-so-noisy) one.

As it hasn't naturally happened (yet) this year I'm doing such 'proposal'.

Considering we have some orga stuff in Carleton I think that CS hacklab would
be the best choice for a not-so-noisy environment.

Also, if you feel cold in Carleton, try CS! The temperature here is a little
warmer, very nice :)


  .''`.  Tiago Bortoletto Vaz                         GPG  :      1024D/A504FECA
 : :' :  http://tiagovaz.org                          XMPP : tiago at jabber.org
 `. `'   tiago at {tiagovaz,debian}.org               IRC  :       tiago at OFTC
   `-    Debian GNU/Linux - The Universal OS               http://www.debian.org

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