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Re: [Debconf-discuss] More questions regarding what to bring for DebConf10 (and other stuff)

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 04:24:51PM -0400, David Smith wrote:

> That's up to you, I suppose.. I definitely wouldn't be walking around NYC at
> night.. It's just not a good idea..  If you ever do find yourself going on
> the subway, make sure you stay with other people.. If they get off the
> subway, move to a different car..   You don't ever want to be alone, for
> your own safety.. That's true whether you're standing around on the corner
> or whether you're on the subway...  If you go out in the middle of the
> night, grab a couple friends and bring them along..

To elaborate on what micah said, from personal perspective...

It is rare I walk home before midnight.  I have walked home at
everytime of day or night (and many times).  I have walked from home
to the other side of Morningside Heights to go to a grocery story at
3am or 4am (this is kind of typical for me).  This is public streets,
not "on campus".  On campus is even better.  When I'm out at these
times of night, I'm never alone, and I haven't really felt unsafe.
There are businesses open and people at work.

As for subways, I've taken them at all times of day or night.  I even
have no problem taking the A/B/C/D lines to Harlem and walking back at
3-4am, you just stick to the main streets.  I don't think I've ever
been in a empty subway car at night, and empty cars shouldn't be a
problem if you stay near the middle of a train.

Of course, this doesn't mean be careless.  Stay on main streets, stick
to the more occupied subway cars near the middle of the train, stay
aware of what's around you.  Of course, a visitor would be more
cautious than I would since you all know less of what the area should
feel like.  (But, as micah said, stay away from Morningside park).

In short, I don't appreciate fear mongering that much.  Crime does
happen, there are fliers about I see regularly, and people should be
aware of their personal safety.  It _is_ important for attendees to
look out for themselves, but it needn't lead to fear or limiting their
enjoyment of the city.  But, this are no different than you'd do any
other large city or DebConf.

- Richard,
  who considered walking up and down random streets at 4am just to
  demonstrate his point but is too busy.

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 366 days, 19:03
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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