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[Debconf-announce] Second wireless network "debconf" at Le Camp


as the DebConf13 ESSID is managed and provided by Le Camp's
full-service ISP and its traffic is going through our uplink directly
before hitting the local servers, we've set up another wireless
network which is bridged to the wired network we've set up already in
the BoF rooms, hacklabs and talk rooms:

  ESSID:      debconf
  Passphrase: supercowpower

This new wireless network is especially better suited for viewing the
live streams at Le Camp.

In case you find spots at Le Camp where the "debconf" wireless has no
sufficient coverage, please tell us about it and we will try to fix
that. We've got some more access points available for that and didn't
deploy them on purpose, yet.

Our access points choose their channel automatically based on which
other access points they see. If that doesn't work out well for some
locations, please tell us which access points conflict at which
location, too.

In case the sometimes laggy DHCP (especially when roaming) of Le
Camp's DebConf13 wireless network doesn't bother you (e.g. because you
use Mosh or AutoSSH with GNU Screen or Tmux) and you don't view local
video streams, feel free to stay with the DebConf13 wireless network
(or just let you computer automatically choose between the two
wireless networks).

You can also use the Le_camp_public wireless, but that one has a
captive web portal where you need to click a button occassionally.

Please be aware that those three wireless networks do have different
IP ranges, so your IP address will chage if you roam between them.

If you want to contact us, please either contact rhalina or
RichiH_DebConf13 on IRC. (By experience I'm not reachable very well on
IRC during DebConf.) Or write us an e-mail. The Reply-To header is set

	Richi, Rhalina and Axel of the DebConf13 Network Team

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