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[Debconf-announce] Late activity submissions

Dear DebConf13 attendees,

We'd like to remember you that everyone is welcome to submit new activities
(talks, informal meetings, discussion sessions, social events etc) until the
end of the conference.

We still have many free slots in the BoF room, which is also equipped to
support talks without video coverage. If you want to have video coverage for
your activity, it must be requested at least 24 hours in advance. Be aware that
it's currently hard to find a free slot in one of those video-covered rooms.

How to submit your activity to DebConf13:

1) Register it in our lovely conference management system at:

2) Send an email to talks@debconf.org including the following information:
   - Activity ID in penta
   - Preferred date(s) and time(s) for your activity (the more the better)

3) Wait.

For private communication regarding your talk, please mail talks@debconf.org.
For more general ideas or questions about talks or events, please mail

Best regards,

the DebConf team

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