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Re: Is dvd-r not supported in cdrecord?


Joerg Schilling:
> I did already mention that using O_EXCL is not an
> option for libscg

After all it is no safe remedy for hald
interference. libburn seems less prone than
cdrecord but there are still cases when hald
is identified as the decisive trigger of burn

> I would have expected that they [the authors
> of hald] contact me before introducing this
> problem into Linux distributions.

Some less variety of version dependent behavior
and some clearer instructions for involved third
parties would have been nice indeed.

> I have no idea how hald causes this kind of
> errors.

I assume it makes the Linux SCSI driver issue a
command other than the harmless ones mentioned
in MMC-5 Drive Busy Conditions.
(The error replies mentioned there do not match
 our experience, though.)

It happens more often without O_EXCL than with.
It happens less often if you load the tray
manually and wait until blinking ends before you
start the burn program.
Some hald releases seem quite harmless, others
snap at every single try.

> BTW: It seems that hald it outdated anyway and going to be replaced. It does
> not seem to make sense to take it into account for development.

It will be around for the next years.
We encounter it even with fresh distro releases.

Have a nice day :)


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