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Can someone point me (or, if they're generous, give me a quick explanation here..) to, specifically, filenames in ISO9660? I noticed that if I do an "--iso-level 3" in my command line (possibly others, but haven't checked.), my filenames get changed to all lowercase. (i.e. From "0156901NOBS.vox" to "0156901nobs.vox"). My full mkisofs command line is as follows:
mkisofs -V noble2#0224 -v -o /image/archive.iso -iso-level 3 -path-list /image/files/files.lst /image/files

Is this a standard for ISO9660, or just a strange combination of command-line options I'm using, or a bug? (I doubt it's a bug. Someone else woulda found it..) I'm using the 2.0 release of mkisofs/cdrecord..


Mike 'Fox' Morrey - Noble Systems
Director of Mad Science Programming
Head of the Spontaneous Data Generation Department
-> "Play Ball": The last two words of the National Anthem. <-

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