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Problem with burnning DVD+R with HP 200i

I have problem with burnning dvd+r media with growisofs using command:

growisofs -dvd-compat -q -Z /dev/scd0 -r -J $PATH

I write a lot of .tar.gz files with varied sizes. During and after
writing, everything seems to be OK, but when I'm mounting the media, and
trying to read written archives with tar tvfz *, some of files are corrupted
and tar return:
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--length error
I thing it is impossible to predict which files will be bad in which session. There is no any regularity in error occurence.
But what is interesting - on other systems like widnows or HP unix,
all is ok, and I can read all the files writed on Linux+HP200i+growisofs...

I'm using HP 200i dvd+r(w) writer with lastest firmware. Sytem - Redhat 7.2 with kernel 2.4.9-34smp.
Maybe You now any solution ?

Thanks for help

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