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Re: two questions

Andrew Josey writes:
> On Jun 12, 10:10pm in "two questions", Masahide Washizawa wrote:
> > I think that some of the terminal related commands are difficult
> > to test automatically.
> >
> The interactive tests for the POSIX.2 User Portability Extension (UPE)
> are typically tested using the expect utility. The Open Group's
> VSC-lite suite being considered for LSB commands testing has some
> test cases in it that use expect.

Hi Andrew,

This would mean that to test a system they would need to be configured
with expect (and I think with tcl as well). However, neither of them
are required for a distribution to be LSB compliant.

How far beyond the LSB requirements it is reasonable to expect a
system to support in order to test it? The UsersGroups test suite (for
the commands component) has similar issues and for the moment we've
avoided problems by using a very small C program that does sort of
what expect does but is much simpler (and also much more limited in
what it can do). Using expect would be easier but would mean that more
non-fundamental programs would have to be installed on the
distributions in order to test them.

What do you think?


IBM OzLabs Linux Development Group
Canberra, Australia

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