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Re: LSB SGML/XML appendix: finding the DTD

/ Eric Bischoff <e.bischoff@noos.fr> was heard to say:
| > You don't need to modify every tool get solution 4 to work. Most Java
| > based parsers use SAX and/or JAXP. Some common tools let you specify
| > resolvers on the command line.
| It's probably a point I didn't get - can we provide a resolver that would 
| work for every tool? Or do we have to provide a patch for Saxon, a patch for 
| libxml, a patch for Xalan/C++, etc?

It's going to vary a little bit according to the environment.

For Java, we can provide a class that will work for everyone. It may
require a little tweaking around the edges (command line parameters
and the like) to get it to work for each tool.

For C, I hope that we can get Arnaud to include it in libxml. That
should cover most C tools. I'm not sure what we'll need to do to get
it working in expat.

| > For other tools, you'd "only" have to
| > use a SAX/JAXP parser that did resolution.
| and what about DOM?

You usually parse to build the DOM, so I'm not sure it's relevant. But
the resolver will work for any access that goes through the URIResolver.

| The question is: do we nevertheless provide a framework for people to do it 
| cleanly, if they really want to go this way? All document and tools packages 
| would be using the same method and thus be interoperable. Or do we say that 
| it's encouraging bad habits?

If people want to do it, that's their business. I don't think
distributions should encourage it.

| One big problem if you allow both methods is that every SGML/XML-aware 
| package has to provide both the symlink for B3 and the post-install script 
| for B4 :-((.

C'est la vie. TANSTAAFL.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Debugging is 99% complete most of the
http://nwalsh.com/            | time--Fred Brooks, jr.

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