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Re: Bug#63124: apt-get isn't getting new Package lists

On 2000-04-27 23:06:23 -0600, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> > The IMS time apt-get is requesting is the last modified time on the
> > /var/state/apt/lists/ file, which is being updated each run!
> This is correct, however it should remain completely constant. The file is
> *never* written to. Are you using some odd funky filesystem/kernel? If, in
> fact, that time stamp on those file change, ever, then that is the
> problem! 
> Can you investigate that specficially?

Well the odd funky filesystem is ext2, the odd funky kernel is 2.2.15pre17 and
2.3.99pre* (* currently == 6).  I'm not aware of anything in these kernels
which would cause such problems.

Here's some interesting info from stat:

  File: "/var/state/apt/lists/debian.topic.com.au_dists_unstable_main_binary-i386_Packages"
  Size: 3203423    Blocks: 6280      Regular File
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)         Uid: (    0/    root)  Gid: (    0/    root)
Device: 1601       Inode: 2526591    Links: 1    
Access: Mon May  1 16:37:32 2000
Modify: Mon May  1 09:23:08 2000
Change: Mon May  1 09:23:25 2000

Note how the Change and Modify dates differ.  I don't think this is normal.


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