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[Pkg-xfce-devel] exo and thunar versions

On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 00:05 +0200, Jani Monoses wrote:
> Hello all,
> please before uploading exo/thunar change the package version to
> reflect upstreams
> and 0.2.0 respectively. Besides being informative to users the
> exo change
> would make ubuntu able to sync it, as our current version is 0.3.1svn
> +something which would be
> newer that 0.3.0svn even if the package is actually older. The package
> contents is the same as debian
> I just had to modify the version number last time and I would not like
> to do that again if possible :) 

We are the *Debian* Xfce team, not the ubuntu one. If you want to adjust
some things on the packages you import in ubuntu, that's your right, but
you can't ask us to follow theses changes.

The current versions (in unstable) were chosen in order to be sure their
wouldn't be problems with dpkg and version order.

Now that we have two versions it seems ok to follow the versioning and
use / 0.2.0 because we are pretty sure the next version numbers
will be greater. (I *don't* want to be surprised when the offical exo
will be released, if its version is 0.3.1 ...)

> Another thing, in case the release tarball has the -Werror switch on
> as it had last time would you object 
> to turning that off? It causes FTBFS in ubuntu because of glib2.9 and
> GENABLE_DEPRECATED flag also being 
> set in the build. Fixing that particular issue is messy as it would
> require ifdefs on pre and post 2.8 glib
> in many places. Turnig Werror off is ok in package builds as this is
> not development where we have to catch 
> warnings and report them. What do you think?

We may have problems with some stranges arches, I really don't know.
Maybe it's a good idea, but i'd want some more answers on the list
before changing anything :)

Yves-Alexis Perez
Yves-Alexis Perez
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