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Bug#1016687: Clarification Needed

On Tue, 16 Aug 2022 14:06:56 +0200 Victor Jaquez <vjaquez@igalia.com> wrote:
> In that case intel-media-va-driver and i965-va-driver wouldn't be
> distributed either.
> If I understand correctly, they are distributed because they don't
> contain the codec logic, only the data structures. The logic is
> defined somewhere else (gpu firmware or other blobs).
> vmjl

Yes, after more research, I agree with this, and for more background, see: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/15258 If Debian doesn't ship the firmware, there is no issue. Please enable the codec support as Debian/mesa has been doing this by default up until the option was created.

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