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Re: Ubuntu plans for Natty release

On Mit, 2010-11-10 at 18:57 +1100, Christopher James Halse Rogers
> 1) Ship both the classic and gallium versions of r300 & r600, and have
> the DDX select between them based on kms support and an xorg.conf
> setting (default to r300g, as that's the default upstream, and whichever
> r600 driver ends up being default in 7.10).  This is not going to be
> accepted upstream, but is, I think, a reasonable distro-patch to retain
> UMS support for radeon while defaulting to the upstream-default driver.

IMHO any solution which doesn't allow easily choosing between the 3D
drivers during the X server's runtime (when KMS is enabled) isn't

Earthling Michel Dänzer           |                http://www.vmware.com
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer

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