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Re: compiz/compiz-fusion stuff uploaded -> experimental

That's great. In the next days I'll watch these diffs and I'll tell you what should be changed according to me.

Why the version number still includes ~emiscabpo? I've added that to differentiate packages from my repository to the official debian ones. But now they would become official debian packages, this release tag could be removed.

Regarding emerald, compiz fusion folks, haven't released a 0.6.0 version. They say in the 0.6.0 release announce that http://lists.compiz-fusion.org/pipermail/community/2007-October/000142.html
"Please note that emerald and the emerald-themes components are being held
until the next release due to a runtime crasher. Emerald 0.5.2 can still be used
in the meantime."

So we can choose:
* emerald version 0.5.2
* latest emerald git tree, like I did.
* not include emerald

What do you think it's better?


sean finney ha scritto:
hi emilio et al,

As previously discussed, i've uploaded modified versions of the packages emilio has made available. The modifications have included mostly lintian related fixes and other packaging fixes, which should be fixed in the next version of your packages.

attached to this mail are a series of patches for each of the packages. i've done the versioning in a way such that you should just be able to increment your previously used revision to supercede my version.

also attached is a lintian report for the rest of the issues i did not address. also, i'm suspicious of some of the Depends/Recommends/Replaces/Conflicts relationships... most of this seems to stem from trying to deal with the various unofficial versions of the packages, which may distribute various files differently between the packages. I think i've fixed them mostly, but you should verify this. i haven't uploaded the emerald packages, as it looks like they still need a bit of work (they're still debian native currently, for example), but i've verified that they do build and work, at least.

and finally, this upload has been targeted at experimental, because the new packages not previously in debian will get caught up in NEW, so it's better that they all make it through before we let it hit unstable.

as for my next steps, the first thing i'll need to do is update the wiki with the current status, as well as outline the remaining tasks, and those interested should be able to start chipping in with the remaining help.


On Monday 22 October 2007 10:19:58 pm sean finney wrote:
hi emilio,

thanks for the work on this!

the biggest problem that we had been facing thus far is that the debian-x
folks are very reluctant to take on management of cdbs-based packaging,
which is why i never just took and cross-ported ubuntu's packages (which is
what you've used as a basis for your packages, it seems).

as you can see, my ITP was a while back.  a combination of factors have
kept me really busy in the past few months, though it looks like this is
finally cleared up now, and i can start spending time on fun things again

i'd like to continue working on debianized compiz-foo packages that the
debian-x folks are more happy to team-maintain, but it seems like a real
waste to leave everyone sitting around waiting in the meantime, esp. when
someone (you) has already provided the working packages.

so, i'm cc'ing debian-x with a proposal, that i hope will make everyone

0 - do a quick audit of the packages you've provided.
1 - i take the packages that you've provided, add myself to Uploaders, and
sponsor uploads into unstable of these packages.
1.5 - bug reports go to you as the official maintainer, and you can
coordinate with me on any fixes/updates which i will also sponsor.
2 - i continue working on the non-cdbs debianisation in the pkg-xorg repo
3 - at some point >= now, we have a "handover" where the pkg-xorg
maintained packages replace the sponsored package.
4 - you are invited to join debian-x and continue to help team-maintain the
latest pkg-xorg maintained packages.

what does everyone think of this?


On Monday 22 October 2007 05:29:47 pm Emilio Scalise wrote:
I've packaged this software and compiled it for debian etch i386.

See http://emiscabpo.wordpress.com/ for instructions.

Apt lines are these:

deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/emiscabpo/compiz-0.6.0 ./
deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/emiscabpo/compiz-0.6.0 ./


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