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Bug#272661: Bug #272661 - xfree86-common: want Xsession to use umask setting from /etc/login.defs


/etc/login.defs is part of the "login" program. It is the default
console login program but there are other (francine for example)

I don't file like hardcoding x login manager to retrieve some
value from a specific program configuration file which may not be
available is a good idea.

To setup X sessions environment, one should add a file in 
/etc/X11/Xsession.d, there is no other way. (/etc/profile is for
bourne shell only and /etc/environment or pam_env does not accept shell
commands like umask).

May i close this wishlist ? Or maybe reassign it to general with
a new request for a central (shell login, ssh , X11 login)
configuration file or a new pam module (pam_profile ?) to be
created ...


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