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[aaron@eazel.com: xfontsel]

----- Forwarded message from Aaron Brick <aaron@eazel.com> -----

From: Aaron Brick <aaron@eazel.com>
To: branden@debian.org
Subject: xfontsel
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 12:11:35 -0700
Delivered-To: branden@localhost.deadbeast.net
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Organization: Eazel, Inc.
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hi branden,

sorry to bug you. xfontsel dies on me mysteriously when i click on
anything in its window, saying "Error: XtMakeGeometryRequest - parent
not composite." i would be trying to solve the problem if i had any clue
what that error meant, but i don't, and so i hope you can provide a
little insight. the system is halfway to woody - X is 4.0.1-0phase2v13.

again, sorry for bothering you. thanks for your time.

          |    aaron brick
          |    aaron@eazel.com
          |    650 940 2080
          |    research & test engineer
          |    eazel, inc.

----- End forwarded message -----

G. Branden Robinson            |    I must despise the world which does not
Debian GNU/Linux               |    know that music is a higher revelation
branden@deadbeast.net          |    than all wisdom and philosophy.
http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ |    -- Ludwig van Beethoven

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