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Re: IT screen goddesses

* Vani Raja <vani@webchic.net> [2006:07:09 16:26 -0700]: 
> On Jul 9, 2006, at 3:41 PM, Erinn Clark wrote:
> >I think the deeper issue here is not necessarily that these women
> >decided to pose for these pictures, but rather *why*.
> I'd pose in a heartbeat. The short of it is that I have no doubts as  
> to my own intelligence or skill as a developer and that frankly, I'm  
> tired of being androgynous as a geek. Yes, I'm female and have a  
> growing fondness for the color pink, but why should I have to hide  
> that to be considered intelligent or worthy of the IT stereotype?

I don't think you have to hide it. Ask anyone who knows me (including
many people on this list) about my affection for the color pink. Being
stereotypically feminine and being in IT are not mutually exclusive; I
am still confused as to why posing half-naked is considered a sane
and/or healthy way of exerting one's femininity. (And really, it is
genuine confusion -- I cannot wrap my head around neither the theory nor
execution of such.)

> The producers point out that they're doing this in part to raise  
> money for non-profits that encourage women in technology. 

Yeah, and sex sells, so... :/

off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide

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