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Bug#970021: Provisional packaging for Aoache Arrow available

On 20 December 2021 9:17:40 pm IST, Sascha Steinbiss <satta@debian.org> wrote:
>TLDR: I have prepared a package to cover as much of Arrow as is possible
>with what we have in Debian, dependency-wise. There is still a review of
>d/copyright missing, and some bundled code might need some extra love or
>If someone wants to work on this and wants to maintain it for longer,
>feel free to let me know and I might help get it finished. :)
>I just feel I won't be able to keep this updated in time on my own given
>how busy upstream seems to be.

It's quite an old mail but....
I can give you a hand with it, however I can't maintain this alone.

I'm seeing this as a dependency in increasing number of packages and it'd be good to have this in the archive.

Let me know if we can move fwd with this.

>[1] https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/arrow
>[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2021/08/msg00066.html


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