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Bug#992133: firebird4.0 debian packaging

-=| Frank Doepper, 26.08.2021 10:42:33 +0200 |=-
> I tried this (commit f89edee), but it fails again on sid with the 
> same libre2 linker error.


> I think that's a clash between bundled libre2 and system libre2.

Nah, the bundled libre2 is not part of the orig.tar source and can't 
interfere with the build.

> Although
> configure is called with --with-system-re2, the flags contain
> -I/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/extern/re2, and I guess that's the problem. Maybe
> debian/patches/out/system-re2.patch needs a second look at.

I agree that removing the -I directive would be nice. This is already 
done for other bundled libraries for which upstream supports using the 
system ones. Patch updated.

-- Damyan

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