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Bug#951374: RFP: gh -- the GitHub CLI

On 2021-08-08 10:17:06, Brian Thompson wrote:
>> I personally find that "gh" is quite short name for a package that
>> will go into a general purpose software catalog like Debian repository. Would
>> you mind choosing something like "github-cli" as source and binary
>> package name and mentioning the sortcut "gh" in a package description?
>> So anyone could find the program by means of `apt-cache search`.
>> Acronyms gh and gn (which stands for Google's Generate Ninja) are
>> visually similar, and I'm afraid they are easily confused.
>> What do you make of this proposal?
> I like that proposal and think it makes a lot of sense. `gh` does seem
> too short, and while easy to identify for current gh users, maybe it
> will be more difficult to find in apt for new users. Also, as you
> mentioned, a namespace clash in the future seems like an uncommon
> occurence.

It's not on the package name, but there's already a clash on the binary
name, which we should be mindful of:

anarcat@angela:~(main)$ apt-file search bin/gh | grep 'gh$'
gitsome: /usr/bin/gh
anarcat@angela:~(main)$ apt show gitsome | sed -n '/Description/,$p'

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

Description: Supercharged Git/Shell Autocompleter with GitHub Integration
 gitsome provides direct integration with GitHub and GitHub Enterprise in
 a terminal.
 It includes not only GitHub integrated commands that work with all
 shells but also provides following functions.
  - Git and GitHub Autocompleter With Interactive Help
  - Fish-Style Auto-Suggestions
  - General Autocompleter
  - Python REPL
  - Command History
  - Customizable Highlighting

Since it's a git (and github, even!) related tool, we might even want to
Conflict with it directly...


Qui vit sans folie n'est pas si sage qu'il croit.
                        - François de La Rochefoucauld

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