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Bug#943676: Re: Sponsor request for 'Open Surge'

Hi Alexandre,


Providing estimations is difficult, because everything in the Debian Games Team happens in our spare time. For updating the currentl opensurge package, the effort depends on checking and documenting copyright holders and licenses of added or changed game data.

With respect to the source code, dependencies are critical: If opensurge requires later releases of its dependenceis than those currently packaged it will be too late to update them after 12.1., because that's the date of transition freeze.

To sum things up: The smaller the difference between the releases, the less effort it takes to get it integrated.


Am Montag, dem 04.01.2021 um 23:48 -0300 schrieb Alexandre Martins:
Thank you. Our upcoming release is expected to be available by the
first week of February.

We're putting extra effort so that the game can be available in
bullseye. How long does it take to review and upload the package once
we release the new version?


Em dom., 3 de jan. de 2021 às 04:37, Bruno Kleinert
<fuddl@mailbox.org> escreveu:

Am Freitag, dem 01.01.2021 um 23:52 -0300 schrieb Carlos Donizete Froes:


Finally, I would like to ask you all, and in particular Carlos

Donizete, to wait until the upcoming release before uploading

the package.

Perfect, I will wait for the next release. I want to thank the upstream

Alexandre Martins for contacting us and clarifying our doubts.


Just for your information, 12th February is freeze of bullseye, see https://wiki.debian.org/DebianBullseye


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